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Taichung Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency,Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage



  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2019-10-09
  • View count:3196


Principles of Work


The department emphasizes on prevention instead of investigation, rewards instead of intervention, aiming to make everyone proud its service and integrity.


Mission Statement


We continuously put efforts into fighting against corruption in order to protect the integrity of our government. And by the authority of examining and targeting out corruption, we hope to reach the goal of none would dare to corrupt, can not corrupt, need not to corrupt. Our country needs its government and people to work as one toward this delicate matter, and one day we should have the honor to raise our chins up high and believe we can make a difference by doing what is right. Yes, Together We Can!

The Department of Ethics

  1. The formation and enactment of government ethics related laws and orders.
  2. The promotion of government ethics related laws and orders.
  3. The affairs regarding the prevention and investigation of employees' corruption, malfeasance and illegal practices and the investigation and proceeding of the cases reported by the public.
  4. The affairs regarding the suggestions for government ethics reform.
  5. The affairs regarding the suggestions for government ethics evaluation, reward and punishment.
  6. The affairs regarding the enforcement of the classified information code.
  7. The affairs regarding the safety of government ethics.
  8. Other government ethics related affairs.
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