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Taichung Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency,Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Now is not the time to be complacent on epidemic prevention, we must keep safeguarding “one of heaven of peace and happiness” Enhance enforcement simultaneously by all 13 branches of AEA for the third "special project against the overdue penalty related to the violation of epidemic prevention regulation"

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2021-08-13
  • View count:312

In order to continue the epidemic prevention, AEA and all 13 branches implemented the third special project of epidemic prevention in April 2021, and enforced the third
simultaneous on-site enforcement on April 20. This project seized 12 lands, 13 buildings, 3 automobiles, 14 batches of motorcycles and other personal properties, and imposed restrictions on leaving the country against 17 people. All branches mobilized 337 executors to implement the special project to demonstrate the determination on epidemic prevention and protecting the “heaven of peace and happiness” Taiwan from the epidemic of the world.

AEA points out that during the enforcement of the special project, all branches have imposed restrictions on leaving the country against the obligors who meet the statutory requirements and necessity of imposing restrictions on leaving the country. On the other hand, many teams of executors have visited the residences of the obligors, advised them to pay the amount owed and implemented the seizures of real properties and personal properties simultaneously. For instance, Taipei Branch found that there was an obligor, Li,who had lived abroad for many years but did not have household registration in the country,left the quarantine location for more than 6 hours and was fined NTD 300,000 by the referring authority. However, he left the country before being referred to enforcement and has not yet returned. After exhausting contacting methods, Taipei Branch was still unable to serve the notice to the obligor, so the branch decides to send executors to the luxury residence located in the community in Wenshan District, Taipei City, to seize the luxury residence to prevent the obligor from disposing his properties. Another obligor, Liu, was fined NTD 100,000 by referring authority for leaving the home quarantine location for more than an hour. Taipei branch visited the place of work of the obligor to investigate and asked him to stay on-site for further notice. The obligor Liu paid the fine owed at the branch this morning. The obligor Huang, who lived in Chiayi City, was fined NTD 100,000 for leaving the home quarantine location. Executors had seized the obligor's photographic equipment and auctioned them for a highest-bidding of NTD 5,500. Although the obligor applied to pay the balance in installments, he did not pay the balance on time. The approval to pay in installments has been revoked by the authority. Executors immediately seized the deposit account of his business, and informed the obligor the seriousness of the impact on the goodwill of his business. The obligor's wife paid off the full amount owed on his behalf right after the seizure. The obligor, Lin, who lived in Hsinchu City, deliberately left his mobile phone at home, then took public transportation and shopped with friends in public spaces many times, and was fined NTD 500,000 by the referring authority. Not only imposing restrictions on leaving the country and the island, Hsinchu Branch also dispatched the clerk to visit the obligor at his home personally several times to advise him to pay the amount owed, and served the official letter notifying to be present and informing the payment upon expiry of the given time limit. The enforcement officers had already completed an arrest application, and planned to file a petition for arrest if the obligor did not show up at the branch office. However, just right before submitting the petition for arrest,the obligor, Lin, took the initiative to show up and said: "Don't petition, I'm willing to pay,"then paid off all fines with two bags of cash two days later. An obligor, Liu, who lived in Kaohsiung City and entered the country from China on May 10 last year, was fined NTD 150,000, in accordance with the law. The referring authority found that he left his residence and did chores at the backyard farm during the home quarantine period on May 11. Although the obligor, Liu had applied to pay in installments to the referring authority, he only paid 6 installments, and still owed NTD 112,500. The referring authority immediately referred the case to Kaohsiung branch to enforce. After accepting the said case, Kaohsiung Branch found that the obligor, Liu had a farmhouse with an area of about 152 square meters in Zhongzhuang, Liugui District. After arriving at Liugui District this morning, the team implementing the special project immediately seized the farmhouse and the land it was on.Kaohsiung Branch will arrange a date to conduct an auction of the farmhouse and the land if the obligor, Liu fails to pay the amount owed within one month. The obligor, Chang, who lived in Tainan and entered the country from Hong Kong in 2020, was fined NTD 100,000 by the referring authority, because he left his residence located in Annan District during the home quarantine period. The executors of Tainan Branch went to Mr. Chang's residence to seize a KYMCO Motorcycle on the morning of April 16. The motorcycle will be auctioned on a date to be determined.

AEA states that Executive Yuan Premier Su has pointed out that Taiwan has not only received praise from many international rating agencies, but also reached an outstanding result in various economic statistics, such as the 3.11% economic growth rate in last year.Taiwan is the only developed country which has a positive growth last year; New York Times used the term "Bubble of Normality" to describe the result of epidemic prevention in Taiwan in the middle of last month. This is not an easy achievement, it is a good result of the joint efforts of everyone in the country, including the government. AEA and all branches will stick to their posts and cooperate with the health authority in the front line to continue enforcing the cases against the overdue penalty related to the violation of epidemic prevention regulation, such as violating home quarantine, home isolation. AEA urges obligors not to take chances and pay the fines as soon as possible; if the obligors have financial difficulties, they can apply to pay in installments to the branches. Do not ignore any notices, otherwise the obligors may have to face the seizure of deposits, salaries,personal and real properties, and auction of the said properties. The obligors may also be imposed restrictions from leaving the country, or even arrested and taken into custody.Please keep support the epidemic prevention implemented by the government and cherish the epidemic prevention result. All citizens in the country shall work together to stop the epidemic and protect our beautiful home, Taiwan.

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